If a group of Inspection Points need their information changed, you can import bulk edits. The import tool can update the Barcode, Location (Level 1, Level 2, Description, and/or ID), Type, Status, Properties, Owner, and Comment fields.

Click on the following link to download the import template: Import Template.xlsx

You will need a separate spreadsheet for each Inspection Category you are importing (e.g. Fire Extinguishers and AEDs will need separate spreadsheets):

NOTE: If you receive an error message stating 'The file couldn't open in Protected View', then follow the instructions in the following article Opening Excel Files in Protected View

The import file has the following fields:

  • Facility Name (Required): For example, Kennedy Space Center.
  • Level 1 Location (Required): For example, Apollo Saturn Center.
  • Level 2 Location (Required): For example, Ground Floor.
  • Location Description (Required): For example, Main Reception.
  • Location ID (Optional): The unique Location ID. If you were to enter or scan this ID in the mobile app, the system would find any Inspection Points that exist within it. If you do not have IDs for your locations, remove this column, and the system will auto-generate IDs for you.
  • Inspection Point ID (Required): The unique Inspection Point ID. If the Inspection Point already has a serial number or asset ID then it's best to use that. Otherwise, either use the same value as the Barcode, or just use a sequential number similar to the Location ID.
  • Barcode (Optional): If the Inspection Point has a barcode or QR code, this is the value behind it. If you do not use barcodes or QR codes, you can remove this column, and the system will use the Inspection Point ID for it.
  • Status (Required): For example, In Service.
  • Type (Required): For example, ABC or CO2.
  • Properties (Optional): For example, Manufacturer. Each Property should have its own column.
  • Owner (Optional): This must be the email address of a current User. This field can be used to assign CAPAs for failed Inspections or Observations.
  • Comment (Optional): This can be any additional information relative to each Inspection Point.

You can manually type your data into the template, or you can extract your existing data from the web app, then copy the necessary information into the template:

  1. Click Inspections.
  2. Click Inspection Points.
  3. Click the Inspection Category.
  4. Optional: Filter the list. (e.g. If you are only updating Inspection Points for one specific building or floor, filter to that location first.)
  5. Click the Export icon.

Image Placeholder

Completing the Import

Once the template is formatted, you are ready to do the import:

  1. Click Inspections.
  2. Click Inspection Points.
  3. Click the Inspection Category.
  4. Click the import icon.

Select the file to import and click Upload.

Map the various fields to the appropriate column on the spreadsheet. If you used Import Template.xlsx as your template, then most of the columns will map automatically.

Click Upload.

Review your data, then click Save to complete the import.

The data will be validated before it is imported, and if there are any issues these will be highlighted in red.

When the import is complete you will be presented with a log of what happened during the import.


If new Level 1 Locations were created by the import, then you will need to ensure the appropriate User Groups have access to the new locations.