The Home screen of the mobile app will display how many inspections are Due and Overdue. You can tap each box to view the list of inspections.

Tap Inspections Due Today or Inspections Overdue.

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Tap the Filter icon to filter the list. 

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Here you can Filter by Due Date, Inspection Category, and Location.

You can Sort by Due Date, Inspection Point, or Location.

Inspection Window is Open will only display Inspection Points that are allowed to be inspected as of today.

Include Unscheduled Points will include Inspection Points that have never been inspected previously, and so they don't have a scheduled date yet.

Include Overdue Items will include items that are overdue for inspection.

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Once the list is filtered, the available Inspection Points will display. You can view each Point ID, Inspection Cycle, and Location. Tap an Inspection Point to begin its inspection.

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