Routes are a helpful way to organize inspections. An inspector may enter a building and inspect each Inspection Point in the same order, every time. The inspector can create a route in the mobile app; this way, anyone who is not familiar with the building can complete inspections in a timely manner. Routes can be created in the mobile app (recommended) and the web app. 

Learn how to create routes in the mobile app by watching our video tutorial, or scroll further for step by step instructions.

Video Tutorial

Step by Step Instructions

To add a Route in the mobile app, tap the menu icon.

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Tap Routes.

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Now begin selecting the Route settings:

  1. In Select Route, choose New Route.
  2. Enter a Route Description. You may want to include location information, such as Facility name, Level 1 location, and/or Level 2 location.
  3. Optional: Checkmark Enforce Sequence. This forces Inspection Points/Locations to be inspected in a specified sequence.
  4. Optional: Checkmark Confirm Item ID. This forces the Item ID to be confirmed before starting an inspection.
  5. Optional: Checkmark Confirm By Scan. This forces the inspector to scan the Item ID before starting an inspection. Confirm Item ID must be enabled first.
  6. Tap Done.

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Tap Yes.

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Begin completing inspections in the desired order. When all inspections are complete, tap Stop Recording Route.

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