Security Roles are used to control what
functions each user can access in the IMEC platform. Users can be assigned to
multiple Security Roles.
Learn how to manage your Security Roles by watching our video tutorial, or scroll further for step by step instructions.
Video Tutorial
Step by Step Instructions
- Click Settings.
- Click System Access.
- Click Security Roles.
- Click the green plus sign.
Now, you can enter the Role details:
- Enter a Role Title.
- Choose if the Role Type is Web, Client, or Mobile. Note how this changes the list of available permissions.
- Enter a Description.
- Select the permissions available to this Security Role. Please note: Most permissions can be expanded, so you can further control what is accessible to this role.
- Click Users.
Select which Users are in this Security Role.
To edit a Security Role, click the pencil icon.
To copy a Security Role, click the pieces of white paper.
To remove a Security Role, click the red X. Please note: A Security Role cannot be removed if it is in use.