Locations represent the logical layout of the
areas where Inspection Points are Located. Each location can have three levels:
for example, Building, Floor, and Room.
When creating your organization’s hierarchy, Locations
are the third step. (First is Organization, then Facility. See here for more information.) Locations can be added in the web app and the mobile app.
Learn how to manage your Locations from the web app by watching our video tutorial, or scroll further for step by step instructions.
Video Tutorial
Step by Step Instructions
To add a location, log into the web app and follow these steps:
- Click Inspections.
- Click Locations.
- Select your
- Select a Facility.
- To add a
location, click the green plus sign.
Next, enter the location details:
- Select a Level 1
Location from the drop-down menu (e.g. building name). If needed, use the plus
sign to add a new Level 1 Location.
- Select a Level 2
Location from the drop-down menu (e.g. floor number). If needed, use the plus
sign to add a new Level 2 Location.
- Enter a Location
Description (e.g. room name).
- Enter a Location
Code. This can either be auto-generated, or you can manually create one. Please
note: This code
must be unique. This will also be used as the barcode value
when scanning locations.
- Click Save.
To edit a location, click the pencil icon.
To copy a location, click the pieces of white paper.
To remove a location, click the red X. Please note: A location cannot be removed if inspection points exist within it.