Conditional Logic to your forms allows you to skip questions on a form based on
responses from the inspector. This can be very useful if sections of a form are
not applicable based on a response to a question, or if in fact an inspection
should be terminated based on the response to a question.
Learn how to manage your Conditional Forms by watching our video tutorial, or scroll further for step by step instructions.
Video Tutorial
Step by Step Instructions
To add Conditional Logic settings to a form, follow the steps in the Basic Setup article first. Click the pencil to edit each question.
Now enter the Conditional Logic settings:
- Click Advanced.
- Enter a Tag specific to each question (e.g. Question 1, Question 2, or Question 3). Not every question requires a tag; only questions you want to skip to. Please note: Questions can only skip forward. A form cannot skip from Question 4 to Question 1.
- Select a Condition and Go To Tag. (e.g. On Pass, Go To Tag 'Question 4'. If the response passes, the form skips Question 3, and goes to Question 4. If the response fails, the form continues to Question 3.)
- Click Save.
If Conditional Logic is enabled, the inspector will only see one question at a time. As the inspector responds to each question, the form will display the next applicable question.
In the above example, the first question is 'Is the locking pin intact and the tamper seal unbroken?'. If the inspector responds 'No', the inspection ends and no further questions are asked.
If the inspector responds 'Yes', the form proceeds to the next question.
The second question is 'Is the extinguisher visible, unobstructed, and in its designated location?'. If the inspector responds 'No', the form proceeds to the third question: 'Show what is preventing the extinguisher from being visible, unobstructed, and in its designated location.'
If the inspector responds 'Yes', there is no need to show what is preventing visibility. Thus, the form skips the third question, and proceeds to the fourth: 'Is there any damage to the cabinet or mounting hardware?'.